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Presidential Primary Sources Project

The Presidential Primary sources project (PPSP) offers a series of free, fifty-minute, interactive videoconferencing programs to students all over the world. PPSP is a collaboration between the National Park Service, U.S. Presidential Libraries and Museums, other...

Digital Learning Day 2015 followup

As Kris recently posted, Digital Learning Day just happened, and this is just to embed that video in a post directly from YouTube and bring this worthy video to our attention again, and to again note that previous year’s webcasts are available here. Kudos to...

Edutainment updater

Because OTL might be lacking some of the coercive motivational factors of traditional education, and takes place in environments which might be rich in competitive demands on attention, OTL needs to “capture the imagination” of learners. That’s...

Finland Schools implement innovation

Schools in Finland have been praised as producing some of the best educated youth in the world, and their methods of teaching have been examined and promoted as models for elsewhere. Now they are taking things further with a model that de-emphasizes subjects, and...

Digital Learning Day on March 13, 2015

Digital Learning Day Live!, formerly known as The National Town Hall, is just one of thousands of celebrations that take place across the country in classrooms, schools, districts, and states on Digital Learning Day. As the culminating event of Digital Learning Day,...

What the Net Neutrality Rules Say: NYTimes

The over 300 page FCC document spelling out, at one level of complexity, their new rules on Net Neutrality was released to the public today. This is not the last word, pun intended, on the matter, as all of it will be subject to legal interpretation at some point,...