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The mobile virtual classroom

Jennifer Hofmann is presenting a session for Training Magazine Network on creating the mobile virtual classroom. The presenter’s name is familiar to me since her book, The Synchronous Trainer’s Survival Guide: Faciliatating Successful Live and Online...

U of Phoenix: updater

Worth checking in on U of Phoenix from time to time to see what they are up to, and how they’ve modified their approach, presumably from experience and trial and error. Here’s their training for employees page from a recent email.

Future of One on One Ed

It’s been proven that students taught by a personal tutor perform two standard deviations higher than those in a classroom. Luis von Ahn wants to replicate this effect with technology. He explains how Duolingo, the free language learning app he helped create,...

Questions for Interviews: Glasser and Izzy

Kris recently emailed: for interview questions, I see open ended questions as I have learned through the William Glasser approach: (simplified) -What are you currently doing? -what do you want to do? -(cognitive dissonance) Is what you are doing helping you get what...