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Dark Fiber updater

Dark Fiber, the fiber optic cable present but not being used, is back in the news as demand for “real broadband” continues to increase. [gview...

Game design and Bloom’s taxonomy

Training Magazine Network is offering a webinar on game design alignment with Bloom’s taxonomy.    Of course, gamification is a core concept PSA sees for encouraging engagement in learning.    Fun, engaging narratives integrated with quality technology and... course “Neuroscience of Learning”

After reviewing the introduction course to suggested by John in another post, I completed my first course in called “Neuroscience of Learning”. While the technology support for the video presentation of the course is high quality, the...

Pond5 Public Domain Project

Pond5 is a media clips for media makers site that PSA has been using for background clips and other potential uses in our What is Learning Today project. Generally, these are short… less than a minute up to five minutes or so… clips of interest searchable...