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T3YBC Rap songs as medium

Learning about anime from Jazmin, I was interested in the words in the narratives. Since they are in Japenese, I’m wondering if the narratives are sending positive messages for “girl power”. What a great way to share important messages with anime. I...

T3YBC “How we learn” new book out

There’s research being done on “how the human learns”, and a new book coming out on that subject is discussed here by story at NPR. We have the book on order with Amazon for when it’s published in a couple weeks from today. Here’s the...

Learning anything

Watching my new grandson struggle with learning to walk is a good reminder that we can learn anything.  PSA hopes to use a “learn by doing approach” with the T3YBC. This is a Khan Academy blog post from Sal Khan.  PSA has many posts from Khan Academy since...

T3YBC SLC and Family: are they alike?

Tolstoy famously began “Anna Karenina” with: Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. When is a Social Learning Construct like a family? Can we find the way happy SLCs are all alike? We want to learn the answer to that...