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John Dewey and the ed tech revolution

This blog post comments on a quote from John Dewey and what he might think about ed tech today. “We may reject knowledge of the past as the end of education and thereby only emphasise its importance as a means. When we do that we have a serious problem that is...

Desktop Documentaries 101

Anything we want to learn or know about video production is somewhere on the web. Probably. Well, except for that intangible “talent”… which we could debate if that’s innate? Nurture or Nature etc. But Talent probably not downloadable....

Driverless cars and “Learning Time”

Talking about the speed of innovation is very relevant to developing OTL, and one of the best examples of how much the pace of innovation has increased is the advent of Driverless cars from Google. Just a few years ago, it seemed like an impossible task to equip a car...

Learning is fun

We know that learning can be fun! Look at all that went into this fun video. PSA T3 is the team to make this happen.

Fred Wilson on Online Education

On his Blog, widely read and respected VC Fred Wilson lauds DuoLingo’s new business model which is (previously reported on PSA): Give away the Education and charge for the Certification. If this becomes widely successful, it is sure to change the landscape of...