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Prizes to boost learning

PSA is considering incentives for the T3 Youth Brigade. Would prizes work in boosting innovation? Find more education infographics on e-Learning Infographics

Futurist vision

This You Tube link was suggested by my son as we discussed how learning could be personalized using holograms, brain scans, and surveys to create an alternate version of an expert. The link comes from Morgan Spurlock: Inside Man-Futurism. The video is long but...

Ed Tech Edupreneur

Link from ISTE on a Edupreneur talking about her vision and  her business for supporting learning/ education using mobile tools. And video below from that online article. We have to be able to at least hear the audio clearly. Not the case here, alas. What’s the...

Employers as “educators”

There’s a fascinating interface between what businesses need for education and training of their employees, and the potentials of new online learning tools. How far will business move towards meeting those learning needs, especially as those tools get less...

A VC Goes to School

Noted venture capitalist Fred Wilson is scheduled to speak on “Blended Learning” to the upcoming Forbes 400 Philanthropy Summit. The bad news is that he is far from an expert in Blended Learning.  The good new is he knows how to utilize the tools of the...