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Kauffman Foundation

This organization comes up from time to time, recently a link from Kris on Steve Blank’s Lean Startup activities mentioned and linked to “Founders School”, a Kauffman Foundation supported program. Founders School Gary mentioned a program called...

DIY degrees at NMSU

This is not a new thing, although NMSU press release seems to say so. “Liberal studies” have been around for a long time. Previously mentioned how “New College” at the University of Hawaii in 1970 offered a student directed, and...

Gamification e-tivity

I’m in the 4th week of the Carpe Diem MOOC, #CDMOOC.   Here is an e-tivity I designed for my group topic: Gamification. Designing the e-tivity template is much easier than designing an actual Jeopardy game.  Perhaps the learners could develop the content for the...