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Past Academy Fight Song

This link is from Gary. From the “Baffler” website. (doing it for Gary while we are dealing with our TinyMCE bug plugin bug. For more on how to handle this bug in the interim, pls see the Tech Tips post. Thx. -Admin)

Tuition Is Too Damn High – th Bowen Effect

Part VI of the Wonkblog Series is on the Bowen effect, which I have indicated rings true to my experience: Bowen summarized the theory, also known as the “revenue theory of cost,” in five rules: 1. “The dominant goals of institutions are educational excellence,...

Distributed teams improve communication

  This blog post offers out of the box  thinking on the challenge of asynchronous communication.  Just thinking about communication tools and processes for remote teams may result in more effective communication. Why are distributed teams so successful, and what...

Text messages for health coaching

A social learning construct can provide important encouragement in the form of coaching with the use of text messages. Are you working with a patient population that could benefit from regular communications?   Are your patients chronically ill?   Do they need...