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Interesting (to me) quote in a NYT article (PSA PDF) on software evolving to address changing work  habits.  The message has implications for training/learning. “We are moving from persuasion based on rhetoric to persuasion based on tables and videos inserted into...

Founding Teams

  Steve Blank blog on roles of founder, founding team, founding CEO: Founder, Founding team, Founding CEO all have word “founder” in them but have different roles Founder has the initial idea. May or may not be on the founding team or have a leadership role...

WordPress LMS and Tin Can API

I happened upon this company, LearnDash,  due to a blog entry – I do NOT know them.  There are two reasons for this post, however. 1) If and/or when PSA is looking for a low cost LMS, there may be a reason to explore a WordPress plugin such as this. 2) Tin Can...