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Who Runs the Best U.S. Schools?

The big idea for having charter schools was to show how things could be done differently, and to see what  changes brought better results. Here below is one example, that brings into question just how the US Public School System fails in comparison to how the US Dept...

22+ Examples of ChatGPT Vision uses

The competition ongoing for who can offer the most useful AI the fastest continues apace with OpenAI incorporation of DALL-E 3 Image AI into ChatGPT4. The YouTube below spells out 22 examples of what can be done with image analysis, a few of which he says explicitly...

Envisioning Ed in 2025

It seems like perhaps a good time to revisit visions of what education possibly will look like in, say, 2 years or so. If we want to achieve a goal, it helps to envision it first to guide the process. Here’s what ChatGPT ‘thinks” when queried about...