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Research-Chavira dissertation Ch. 2

  Here are notes from Chapter 2.  Working from my ipad, I added Chapter 2 to Chapter 1 notes.  Not a good idea since you need to scroll through.   So, go to about page 21 in the pdf for some interesting literature on Social Learning construct.  Research seems to...

Mobile Access to WP sites

There’s ongoing efforts to improve the mobile, including iOS and other, experience when accessing WP sites, including such as PSA is. For now, although admin has looked into some plugins to install at our site, it’s problematic at best, with many...

Chamilo News

From the Chamilo emailnewsletter (open source eLearning and collaboration software)…popular internationally and the one Gloria is working with…apparently growing quickly in users. Note the GlaxoSmithKline portal on smoking prevention…which is as Kris...