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Lean Start Up-why it changes everything

Steve Blank describes in his blog his article for the Harvard Business Review on the Lean Start Up. Much of what Steve talks about sounds like what I’ve heard before…market research, needs analysis.  Similar to education and what I was doing in the class...

“Singly”-tool for data gathering and filtering

This video shows a demo by Simon Murtha-Smith a co-founder of  Singly.    The demo shows how Singly  enables data gathering and filtering from social media apps such as Facebook and Instagram.   IMO, just watching the steps taken to develop this tool reinforces the...

Mobile learning tools

  This slideshare presentation makes good use of images in a linear approach.  With Prezi, the PSA core concept “time slices” could start from here and become more interactive.  I wonder if we can take some of the images and “reuse” them...


  This post is targeted at universities and student entrepreneurship.  I could see some relevance to PSA.  We often talk about how PSA could get more help, and how much money it takes to get people involved. The online platform described in the post, offers...

Bloom’s Taxonomy graphics etc

Compilation of Blooms Taxonomy Resources GuildResearch on Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Revised Bloom Handouts Three pdfs found online that contain a lot of good graphics on Bloom’s Taxonomy ideas, including some revisions for today’s digital landscape...