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Success FeelOsophy

Success Feel-o-sophy Came across this looking for images for new prezi called “Learning Today” which incorporates Silos and Pizzas, and might incorporate some other of our value adders for learning. Such as motivation. This site, while a good example of a...

Webinar: Vignettes for training

A webinar by Training Magazine Network on 4/3/13. The presenter, Ray Jimenez, discussed story based design and how to transfer ideas and engage  learners with an effective story based design.  See samples of vignettes. Ideas from the webinar:  focus on the learner...

Engineering Serendipity

NYTimes article on new thinking about face to face interactions and “creativity”, and “how to plan for serendipity”… which used to be a contradiction in terms. Since creativity is part of learning…and since a “certain...

Google Fiber to Austin TX?

Rumors that Google Fiber will next “do” Austin. While if true, that’s great news for Austin… but perhaps also good news for the rest of us. Many of us, who hope for a future of affordable access and the end of the digital divide… look for...