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Prezi on Prezi

While looking around for third party Prezi templates…and finding some, both free and like $5 each…., it turns out that has a section in the “explore” part of the main site, where “re-usable” prezi reside. Which means you...

Learning objectives model

  Link shared by Susie Bussmann on 18 Feb 12. A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives* When assessing start with the end in mind.

Technology tools-top 100 for 2011

Top 100 Tools for Learning 2012 from Jane Hart   2011 list  shared by Susie Bussmann on 14 Feb 12. For those of you who have PLP goals for learning new technology tools, this resource might be a good place to start.

Educational Origami-wiki

  Link shared by Susie Bussmann on 14 Feb 12. Lots of resources for delving into Bloom’s Taxonomy from the perspective of 21st century learning, digital learning, and assessment.