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Learning idea shifts

Let’s make a list. A list of ideas that are truly transformational. Not just trends or buzz, but substance with the potential for lasting change–and stuff that’s available not tomorrow, but today.

Google Fiber in Kansas City | Slate

Google FTTH in Kansas City article in Slate online. Nobody knows what to do with all the bandwidth…? Cliche response to new tech capabilities… it’s great, but what do you do with those flying machines Orville? As many a Gary presentation to LC...

LC Charter HS graduation rates

Alma d’Arte stands out with outstanding 4 yr graduation rate. They must be doing something right? (Admin Note: trying something different with linking here…using the “add media” button top left and just above Tiny MCE first row….to select...

Webinar: informal learning

  Click to access TRNGmag_formalinformal_HO.pdf Hand out for Training Magazine Network webinar on informal learning. The handout contains some good quotes for “learning is” .  The facilitator, Dr. Allison Rossett a professor of Educational Technology,...