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Degree Granting On-Line Universities

We hear a lot about MOOCs, but there are some pretty large enrollments in degree-granting on-line schools – here is a list of the top 20. With 270,000 on-line students dominates and the vast majority of the  schools are for profit.  The University of Maryland...

Technical (not STEM) Training

Article on San Antonio’s successful technical training “academy” programs. Every since I moved hear, I have heard complaints from WSMR companies about the lack of trained technicians  in the area — duh! NMSU ran (maybe still runs) an on-premise...

Data Mining and Healthcare Revolution?

There’s a video and a story at NYTimes today about data mining and healthcare. Embedding the video has so far eluded my attempts, and I’ve tried about 17 different tricks , so I guess I need at least 18… Anyway, the article is about a joint effort...

Value Added Proposition

PSA has used various terms to describe what we can bring to the mix that supports and enables online services in various fields, especially education. (But not to forget the other “fields” for which the communication revolution is “coming”) We...

Prezi vs Slideshare Maybe Prezi is a good idea for PSA… thanks Kris, I hadn’t heard of it before…seems a lot better than Slideshare in some respects… more creative presentations? I note they have non...