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WP update to 3.9

Word Press has released a substantive update to version 3.9 This may cause bugs, especially with 3rd party WP plugins, of which we have many at our site. For example, TinyMCE has said their upgraded plugin to work with 3.9 includes changes that may be troublesome....

SLC-Melissa Chavira Dissertation Chapter 1

  In my effort to be helpful, I told you I would read Melissa Chavira’s dissertation.  So, here is my highlighting from Chapter 1.  I made the exercise more interesting by using an ipad app, Notability, to notate the chapter and save it to dropbox. Chapter...

NM TIE Nov. 6-8 in ABQ

We might consider whether PSA would “try again” to be presenters this year; again using online data gathering along with presentation; get one of us in free; and have some fun with a presentation that is more a facilitate town hall kind of thing. I’m...