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Homepage slide show

Ideas for the slide show on home page: Use single slides excerpted from the various Core Concept Keynotes…when we have those done. There are a number of different plugins for supporting slide shows, and we want one that loads well for most of our website users....

Missions Impossible 2/10/2013

Hey Gary, Now that RSS is all set up…thanks to you actually…=^) … did you know apple removed the RSS button from Safari browser tool bar…now you have to go find an extension or 3rd party app to easily access. Why would they do that? Dunno. But anyway, I’m finally...

Post by Email There’s a set of plugins that WP provides in a suite called JetPack.  We have this suite activated on, but to use the post by email function, which we may wish to experiment with, it seems each user must set it up...