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Poll Daddy, other similar sites

We do want to enable gamification of our site. There are a number of tools that might support this. One is Poll Daddy, which I made some initial progress with setting up, but ran into a few bugs or issues, and had to put aside for later to “finish” getting...

BTOP Mindmap PDF

  I added a new mindmap to our PSA mindjet folder.    This map has more contact information and I added color.  I’m having difficulties with exporting the map as slides in keynote or powerpoint. The link here is a PDF.   I have the levels open since it is...

Mindmap foundation for Core Concepts

Kris, Let’s use mindmaps to form a foundation for each of the Core Concepts. (as you were suggesting would be good place to start with Mastering the Mysteries of Motivation…) The advantages of that approach are multiple: It’s a method we are...

New Contact/ Connect plugin in use

Took trying out about 4 or 5 of the Contact page plugins, but I’m happy with this one for the following reasons: Allows us to get emails back with multiple field results…ie, whatever the user puts in the fields on the page will be part of a email message...

Life on the material plane

I got up early to work on our site, disregarding sleep requirements…but now I’m thinking: would you be averse to rescheduling today’s Skype? My tech heavy lifting has depleted my brain batteries, which need a recharge before delve into Core Concepts. Plus I want to do...