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App Development

For what it is worth, here is IBM’s input on mobile App development” IBM advises customers to build Javascript apps that can run across multiple platforms, he said, instead of building native apps for each OS.  

Mindjet troubleshooting 2/20/2013

Kris, I went to the Mindjet login online…entered my email address, and PW…and see you as still listed a member of the PSA account with Admin privileges.  Your email for that account is listed as: Here’s what a screengrab of the...

Mindmaps and Core Concepts

As we work towards having our Minjet setup fully working…we may wish to use that functionality to help develop some of our core concepts. For example, “MOTIVATION” is such an important part of learning, and of making it through a...

NM Distance Learning Plan

From In partnership with Education360 and Innovate+Educate, Senator Linda M. Lopez has introduced SB 377, which calls for the creation of a statewide Digital Learning Task Force charged with developing a comprehensive Digital Learning Plan for New...

Blog posts

As I continue to transfer the Diigo posts, I have learned something about the posting process.  I was hoping to cut a step so I was not previewing my posts, just publishing and then editing if the link had an error. Well, when the post comes to my email, I’m...

Fun with Tags

I’ve been wondering how our Tag Cloud is doing now that we have a LOT of posts. … noted there’s some similar ones that we may want to “consolidate” into one Tag. For example, there was e-Learning, and eLearning. There were a lot more of...