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Smaller slide show on HOME

Gary was having a hard time seeing the new slideshow and suggested somehow making it smaller. I figured out a way to change a pixel setting, which does make the slideshow smaller, and still works, apparently. Also, for fun, there is a “fullscreen” button....

Contact-Creative Services Director

John, While attending an event in El Paso last night, I was visiting with the Creative Services Director from KFOX, Candice MacBlain.  Turns out that Candice’s first job was with Barbara Chamberlin at the media lab.  Candice thinks very highly of both Barbara,...

Dead Links? tell us…

While reposting from Diigo, there’s a few posts which included links to pdfs that I removed from the DropBox Public folder for security reasons. If you should encounter a link that takes you to DropBox and says “not found”, or if the link is...

PSA stuff in Dropbox?

Heads up for Kris… as I was reposting from Diigo, I noticed a few docs that formerly linked to our Dropbox public folder…no longer exist. I removed them from the Public folder during my first hack, thinking it might help. But today, looking around at my...