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What’s Next?

John Griffith on 08 Nov 12 AFAIK, I’ve been getting ready for this period of change for most of my life. (maybe we all have)… I once wrote and won a prize for a play titled “What’s Next?”…the poster for which was a big question...

Perfect Storm Fetishes

Our “Big Picture” predicament?…I dunno. Perhaps the harder it becomes to “predict” tomorrow, the farther back in history we go to ascertain trends… and certainly there’s a lot of bewilderment out there as to “what comes next”. The end of everything seems to be a built...

One word: Gamification

This was, I think, from Kris’s MobiMooc group; I’ve saved it from Slideshare into a PDF, and then to DropBox, for a link here: Click to access Don%27t%20Play%20Games%20with%20me.pdf Thought this was so well done it was worth having a pdf copy to play...