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Website slowdowns: What is the bottleneck?

Speed slowdowns are hard to pin down where in the entire process the bottleneck is coming from, as we know. I get some weird things happening that I tend to blame Comcast for…but can’t pin down. Sometimes I can fix it by a reboot, which implies some temporary...

Bloom’s Taxonomy graphics etc

Compilation of Blooms Taxonomy Resources GuildResearch on Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Revised Bloom Handouts Three pdfs found online that contain a lot of good graphics on Bloom’s Taxonomy ideas, including some revisions for today’s digital landscape...

Prezi: Frame sizes, other tips This has a few “next level” odds and ends, including a bit of discussion about frame sizes. Here it says that this is mostly an issue when one is projecting a slide, because some projectors and screens are setup to work best with 4:3...