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Diagnostic wearables for health care

Steve Blank discusses the future of your health care in this blog post. China has made building a local device and diagnostic industry one of their critical national initiatives.  The US is now changing FDA guidelines to make this happen with diagnostic...

New Schools for New Orleans

New Orleans has an active educational reform underway, including various charter schools. This endeavor has not been without controversy. Here’s a link to one of the leading entities, “New Schools for New Orleans”. And a blog entry entitled...

Complex Learning

Dave Cormier talks about his evolving understanding of rhizomatic learning.   Looks to me that he is differentiating learning that is complicated but process oriented such as, building an airplane and landing on the moon.  His Rhizomatic learning is called...

Winner Take All in Education

If we needed further proof that higher ed is a “winner take all” game, this modest $400 M donation by John Paulson to Harvard is a clear indication. And interestingly, the trend in Higher Ed is the same “networks effect” that has driven...

Adult literacy professional development

Adult literacy professional development varies from State to State.  David Rosen is attempting to reach practitioners nationwide through a government group called LINCS, a community of practice. What does it take to involve practitioners in a community of practice?...