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Peter Thun

From my perspective (with its associated biases), this Fast Company article is a must read! The father of MOOCs has pivoted Udacity to a company-paid content model.  Here are some pf the paragraphs that struck me: “We were on the front pages of newspapers and...

SPOC-small private online courses

I was interested in this article, about SPOCs:  Small private online courses.  The idea is to create a course and license it to a university, organization or corporation with access to certification. I can see how this concept works during a discussion with my son...

Animated educational materials

Scientific Animations Without BordersSM is a University of Illinois-based initiative dedicated to the development and deployment of animated educational materials that can be used to better the lives of people in developing nations. Simple tasks such as how to make...

MOOC roadmap for LeaderMOOC

[gview file=””] See the interactive roadmap for LeaderMOOC.  The LeaderMOOC seems to operate as a traditional online course for professional development...

The Burden of Financing Higher Education

Colorado VC Brad Feld’s blog entry today raises the issue of how the unsustainable student financing higher education has broad implications. The post was driven by this TED talk of another VC Greg Gottsman.  At one level, we know all the issues, but he throws...