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No More Pencils, No More Books

Recent comprehensive article in Slate on adaptive learning, and what former just text book companies are up to today. They want to be called “Learning Science” companies now, among other changes to maintain their “market” today. [gview...

Knewton reviewed by NPR

An NPR “program” about Knewton, reviewing their approach and pondering their future. Right now it seems like adaptive learning tools exist in a kind of iterative place somewhere between snake oil and revolution. They are incredibly promising, though, as...

Not the kids, its the system

We’ve all grown up with the factory model of education. It’s come to seem totally normal. It’s not normal at all. It’s just the only way we’ve been able to deliver free widespread K-12 education up until now. Here from a Knewton blog by CEO Jose Ferreira. Of course,...