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A Google Fiber move to wireless?

Google, and parent Alphabet, are reportedly reconsidering their Fiber To The Home (FTTH) strategies according to this article from “Computer World”, which also mentions ATTs FTTH program “ATT GigaPower”. Google said to be considering a...

Facebook’s Internet Drones

Google, Amazon and others are developing alternative ways to provide internet access from above. Zuckerberg’s FB drone project made a test flight recently. Cost of the drones is  an ongoing challenge…as well as tech itself. That applies to a lot of...

Community Schools in DAC

What is a “Community School”? Essentially a repurposing of school plant and facilities to include much broader range of services than just the class curriculae. The vision is to bring improved access to health and social services, youth and community...

FCC Lifeline overhaul moves ahead

As with most things bureaucratic, affordable access through the FCC Lifeline program has moved ahead in fits and starts, and one of those starts happens today when FCC announces their proposal for $9.25 a month subsidy for internet access to poor households. Any such...