by andflywrite | Jan 21, 2015 | BEST LINKS EVER
Dark Fiber, the fiber optic cable present but not being used, is back in the news as demand for “real broadband” continues to increase. [gview...
by andflywrite | Aug 31, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER
The Chattanooga Gig network is in the news a lot in recent days; their struggle with Monopoly Telecoms mentioned in an earlier post. This article delves more deeply into the “Gig” itself, also from Guardian. Then there’s a few additional links below,...
by andflywrite | Aug 29, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER
Story from Guardian on push back from companies like Comcast who don’t want Municipal Internet Networks to succeed. Gee, I wonder why?
by kris | Apr 7, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER
Interesting New York Times article on the limited choices of towns with fiber, a challenge for the tech savy with a need for high speed.
by andflywrite | Feb 23, 2014 | GO AHEAD CALLER
Ongoing saga of broadband access and affordability in the US took another twist in the tale with Comcast and Netflix agreement to “give good speed” to Netflix connections with customers over Comcast infrastructure. Details being few as to what actually is...