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Xprize of $15M for DIY Learning Tablet Apps

“With the advent of tablets, we’re at the 1-second mark of understanding what can happen between a child and an intuitive device,” he said. “So can you design software that matches intuitive nature of the hardware?” Kind of a followup to Laptop Per Child initiative.....

Learning anything

Watching my new grandson struggle with learning to walk is a good reminder that we can learn anything.  PSA hopes to use a “learn by doing approach” with the T3YBC. This is a Khan Academy blog post from Sal Khan.  PSA has many posts from Khan Academy since...

Independent Project

The “Independent Project” video is the final presentation of students at Monument Mountain Regional High School in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. The students participated in a class that encouraged engagement and mastery through researching questions,...

DIY degrees at NMSU

This is not a new thing, although NMSU press release seems to say so. “Liberal studies” have been around for a long time. Previously mentioned how “New College” at the University of Hawaii in 1970 offered a student directed, and...