by andflywrite | Jul 11, 2019 | BEST LINKS EVER
When is “Training” education? When it’s done in an academic context, IE an academic institution, we’d easily conclude that’s education. But what about when large corporations such as McDonalds, Walmart, and Amazon do it, to “up...
by andflywrite | Sep 16, 2015 | BEST LINKS EVER
PSA has been noting for some time now that a “real” or “best practices, best capability” online Defined Learning Experience (course, training, etc) needs to combine all the various core elements in a truly synergistic way. It’s sort of...
by kris | Jun 3, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER
What kind of free train the trainer options are available to facilitators of learning in need of digital literacy themselves?  I found links to free digital literacy curriculum and train the trainer workshops by Microsoft.  Apparently, you don’t have to use...
by andflywrite | May 9, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER
Grant Space, a sub section of The Foundation Center, offers some DLE on grant proposals here.Â
by gary575 | Oct 20, 2013 | BEST LINKS EVER
At least for K-12, this article seems to suggest otherwise. Seemingly the “answer” is to combine the new technology with “new” methodology.