by andflywrite | May 21, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER
NPR has a new section of its website devoted to Education Tech, and this link written by one of our favorite authors, Anya Kamenetz (DIY U, TED talks, etc) asks for ongoing contributions to this NPR section, as well as explaining the headline above.
by andflywrite | Apr 25, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER, GO AHEAD CALLER
306 page pdf by GSV on “How Education Innovation is Going To Revitalize America and Transform the US Economy”. This obviously attempts to be comprehensive about ed tech innovation ongoing and future trends thereof. Just their perspective of course, and GSV...
by andflywrite | Apr 24, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER
Recent big Ed Tech Summit event in PHX, sponsored by ASU and GSV. That’s Arizona State U, which has gotten some notice for higher ed innovation of late, and GSV is a venture cap firm… “Global Silicon Valley”. Huge event with tons of...
by andflywrite | Mar 5, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER
“Amplify” has various elements of Ed Tech, including software to work with Intel’s ed tablet. So much of the technology in kids’ lives today is the technology of interruption, of distraction, of hyperstimulation. Amplify isn’t playing that game. We...
by andflywrite | Aug 21, 2012 | BEST LINKS EVER…myth-of-educations-golden-past By the same author as the previous post on why student’s don’t like school. Christine Yu has some valuable ideas. I also like the follow on comments and discussion on these KNewton pages.