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The Global Learning X Prize

With current governmental plans regarding support for education in the US undergoing disruption and change, we might benefit from a look at innovation on a large scale through privately funded endeavors. XPRIZE is one of those private, and sometimes public/private,...

3-D Printing in Education

“…transforming students from passive consumers to active creators.” A lot of distance between the opportunity and reality, but hey, you gotta hope. The Innovation Excellence blog post is worth a read.

Fred Wilson on Online Education

On his Blog, widely read and respected VC Fred Wilson lauds DuoLingo’s new business model which is (previously reported on PSA): Give away the Education and charge for the Certification. If this becomes widely successful, it is sure to change the landscape of...

A VC Goes to School

Noted venture capitalist Fred Wilson is scheduled to speak on “Blended Learning” to the upcoming Forbes 400 Philanthropy Summit. The bad news is that he is far from an expert in Blended Learning.  The good new is he knows how to utilize the tools of the...