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MOOC benefits and inconsistencies

  Ignatia deWaard blog post on benefits and inconsistencies resulting from MOOC’s… Ted video where Daphne Koller (co-founder of Coursera) speaks about the benefits of MOOCs. And yes, great MOOCs follow the best practices of great online learning:...

Fun with Tags

I’ve been wondering how our Tag Cloud is doing now that we have a LOT of posts. … noted there’s some similar ones that we may want to “consolidate” into one Tag. For example, there was e-Learning, and eLearning. There were a lot more of...

On-line Learning going mainstream?

If not mainstream, we are surely in the hype stage. “Nancy L. Zimpher, emphasized in her 2013 state of the university address a strong commitment to “a full scale-up of Open SUNY”—aiming within three years to enroll 100,000 degree-seekers in the program, “making...

Why On-Line Education Works…why-online-education-works From Gary: gary575 on 14 Nov 12 As you might expect, I am not a big fan of the Cato Institute, but I do recommend this article. Alex Tabbarock is a George Mason University economist (right leaning obviously) with...