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Guided or unguided instruction?

This is research on guided learning (modeling, scaffolding, summarizing key points) vs unguided learning (problem based, discovery, constructivist, experiential). While this research is from 2010, PSA is interested in the latest on brain research as applied to...

Mindfulness and enhanced learning

Can mindfulness be taught and enhance learning? The question posed by this article was focused on mindfulness being used to enhance learning. The answer depends upon how an instructor decides to use it and the manner in which it is taught. For example, you cannot tell...


Do we really improve learning with brain games or just get better at playing games?  See article from Scientific American.

Learn more faster

Here is an infographic on how to speed up learning…learning by doing. It uses the idea of travel time to support the concept of learning by doing – arguably one of the quickest methods of learning something. Instead of taking the time to stop at every learning...