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A Social Learning Construct for practitioners

PSA, like the practitioners I follow in online communities, is looking for both an effective online learning experience as well as the face to face support available for youth and adults with low literacy skills. One of the groups I follow is the Adult Education LINCS...

Mobile learning and adult education

Reaching adult learners in literacy or ELL programs is always a challenge so this link confirms what I have often thought…adult education learners have smart phones and they will learn on their own.  What they need are more apps that focus on the skills they...

Mobile learning k-12 infographic

PSA is focusing on a train the trainer DLE to support informal learning for community organizations as they move to cloud opportunities for learning .  We look to formal learning institutions for research on adoption of mobile technology and the challenges reported as...

Education 3.0 and pedagogy of mobile learning

This presentation shares some ideas that PSA promotes for education 3.0 and the pedagogy of mobile learning.  “Heutagogy” is described as the management of self managed learners.  “Flow” is described as a measure of learner engagement....