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Virtual School issues

  A blog and podcast focus on issues related to distance education at the k-12 level, specifically the use of virtual and cyber schools. Quite a list of articles about the issues we have been discussing…LCPS Virtual Academy.

Special Report: The Next Big Test

  “””A new wave of school reform is about to break. Will it change classrooms for the better?””” This is the link to a overall special report, and includes the link to the intro, and the 3 stories, one for each phase/ stage of...

iBooks Author

  Link to ibooks author. Plan, produce, and publish a Multi-Touch book for the iPad! Written by long-time ebook designer and instructional software developer Michael E. Cohen, Take Control of iBooks Author kicks off by explaining how to plan your Multi-Touch...

Smartphone Update 2012 Adoption Rates…Findings Pew research reportbreaks out the usage of smart phones with 46% of all Americans having smartphones. Interesting race/ethnicity ownership:Hispanic and Black ownership (49%) is higher than for whites (45%). The adoption rate is...