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Mobile Access to WP sites

There’s ongoing efforts to improve the mobile, including iOS and other, experience when accessing WP sites, including such as PSA is. For now, although admin has looked into some plugins to install at our site, it’s problematic at best, with many...

The Sharing Economy

A recognized VC Mark Suster recently mad a presentation to a London tech group on the emergence of the Sharing Economy or Collaborative Consumption. This is one of the major ongoing global technological/business trends which has at least 15 years under its belt (think...

User Experience on Different Screens

An important comment from the founder/CEO of Evernote which has highly acclaimed versions of its product on PCs/Macs, iPhones and Android phones, Phablets and Tablets :  Don’t trap yourself by worshipping consistency, which Libin says can make “everything...

BYOD in the Public School

NYTimes article focuses on utilizing student electronic devices in the classroom – opportunities and challenges.  NYT Digitally Aided Education April 22 2012 The concept raises a concern about equal access, but this comment is interesting:  “And while...