by andflywrite | Nov 10, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER
President Obama has made a strong statement of support for net neutrality, and called on the FCC to enact rules to “make it so” by classifying broadband under Title II, which is thought by many experts to be legally the strongest step to take to...
by andflywrite | Nov 1, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER
One of the biggest stories in online access, and the future of mom and pop development of cloud based services, as well as the entire Telecom industry and the Internet too, continues with latest leaks and rumors and reports about what the FCC is up to re Net...
by andflywrite | Sep 12, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER
Poll from Fortune/Time says US citizens are opposed to plans by FCC to tier the internet allowing Telecoms like ATT and Verizon to charge more for “fast lanes” to certain providers, and create thusly a class of “slow lanes” for everyone else....
by andflywrite | Jul 18, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER
Ongoing struggles continue over Net Neutrality Law…between various interests, such as the near monopoly telecoms, small business cloud service providers like PSA, consumers, content providers like Netflix, search engines like Google, etc etc, and with the FCC in...
by andflywrite | Feb 21, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER
Story in Time explains.