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Prezi “Zoom Template” example

As I explore the Prezi preset Templates available, using the desktop version, came across this example of someone using the “Zoom” template. Thought it was kuhl…reminded me of fractals…remember those? Prezi example using Zoom...

Week of the Prezi: Value Added focus

This week’s agenda of ongoing website construction emphasizes creation of Prezi for “Value Added”…although other stuff may continue to get incremental upgrades etc. Home, About, and Contact menu items are in decent shape now, with only Brochure...

More Mindjet, Value Added Prezi

Kris, I been messing around with Mindjet a little, using the desktop version to create files, and then trying to figure out “where” to save them, as I’m offered the choice of saving to my Mac, or to the Mindjet Files online. The biggest issue there...

Prezi vs Slideshare Maybe Prezi is a good idea for PSA… thanks Kris, I hadn’t heard of it before…seems a lot better than Slideshare in some respects… more creative presentations? I note they have non...