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MOOC research

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have attracted a great deal of attention by higher education and private enterprises. MOOCs have evolved considerably since their emergence in 2008, all the while given rise to academic discussions on MOOC impact, design and reach....

Technology evolution

After interviewing Julia Parra about what she sees happening with learning today, I took some time to follow up on some suggestions from Julia regarding the technology evolution.  Thanks to Julia for leading us at PSA to some quality links in our pursuit of the latest...

Mobile learning k-12 infographic

PSA is focusing on a train the trainer DLE to support informal learning for community organizations as they move to cloud opportunities for learning .  We look to formal learning institutions for research on adoption of mobile technology and the challenges reported as...

Technology tools to measure learning

we can ever reach a point where sensor technology and data-mining can be accessible and successful, flexible enough to be genuinely empowering, allowing users to control their own narratives. A quote from an article by Amelia Abreu called “a dream of a feminist...