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Research on workforce myths

Five workforce myths about engagement at work are busted in this Forbes article by Jeanne Meister, the co-author of 2020 Workplace Book. PSA is interested in research on social collaboration tools that support successful workforce training.    ...

Research-Chavira dissertation Ch. 2

  Here are notes from Chapter 2.  Working from my ipad, I added Chapter 2 to Chapter 1 notes.  Not a good idea since you need to scroll through.   So, go to about page 21 in the pdf for some interesting literature on Social Learning construct.  Research seems to...

Competencies for performing life roles

  These are competencies for performing life roles from the book  Adult Learner: a Neglected Species by Malcom Knowles, the grandfather of adult education, published in 1972.  Sorry…did a bad job scanning this. According to Knowles, these roles require a...

Evaluating online learning

  Shared link by Susie Bussmann for OTL assessment course. This publication features seven evaluations of online learning programs or resources. The evaluations represent variety both in method of evaluation and in the program or resource that was...