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Broadband Summit NM, Final Report

Report for NMFirst facilitated, Fast Forward NM hosted event. I attended the NM First facilitated event in August, hosted by Fast Forward NM. Attached are the recommendations developed by the various tracks. gary575 on 16 Sep 12 Thanks Kris. My “show me”...

Digital learners not digital natives…LCU-7-7.pdf While the empirical evidence clearly shows the use of digital technology is growing, and young people tend to use it more than older people, it just as clearly shows that the issues are not defined by generation...

Special Report: The Next Big Test

  “””A new wave of school reform is about to break. Will it change classrooms for the better?””” This is the link to a overall special report, and includes the link to the intro, and the 3 stories, one for each phase/ stage of...