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Fundraising platform-Kickstarter

  Link to Kickstarter. A way to aggregate support for a project, using the web. I couldn’t find our category of online education, per se, as one of their sections. But perhaps still something to keep in mind, that non profit fundraising is different today,...

Special Report: The Next Big Test

  “””A new wave of school reform is about to break. Will it change classrooms for the better?””” This is the link to a overall special report, and includes the link to the intro, and the 3 stories, one for each phase/ stage of...

City of El Paso online mentoring

Bob Wingo… Sanders/Wingo 221 N Kansas Suite 900 El Paso, TX 79901 Phone: (915) 533-9583 Fax: (915)  Sanders/Wingo has built a national reputation for strategic insight and exceptional solutions....

Children’s Reading Foundation

  On the board of the Children’s Reading Foundation.. Note Melissa M Jozwiak bio includes this on ed tech: Her research interests focus on building equitable Professional Development School partnerships with the early childhood community and the use of...