by andflywrite | Feb 20, 2023 | BEST LINKS EVER
While perhaps distracted by attempting to understand the implications of rapid AI advances, such as ChatBots and similar awe-inspiring AI innovations, there’s other ongoing areas to stay abreast of. For example, Apple and Meta(Facebook) are investing a ton in...
by andflywrite | Feb 23, 2022 | BEST LINKS EVER
Back in the day, “Second Life” was a virtual reality where one could dress up in any style of Avatar, including many outrageous options. This being before the movie “Avatar” came out, another back in the day vision of “virtual...
by andflywrite | Sep 7, 2020 | BEST LINKS EVER
In our current time of disruption, innovation, and new perspectives and approaches, perhaps it’s fitting to “touch base” with a visionary on the edge, such as Jaron Lanier. Mr. Lanier has some New Mexican roots, attended NMSU, founded a very early VR...
by kris | May 14, 2020 | BEST LINKS EVER
In the world of WFH, Spatial is a virtual reality workspace start up that offers a free version for users, only a web browser is needed, and no headset is required. Until social distancing winds down, the opportunities for testing out the best and latest seems...
by kris | Jun 19, 2018 | Capturing Imagination, Embed Resources & Tools
“Walmart the game” is a video mobile simulation for training. The video game leads associates through an array of important customer service tasks designed to capture the learners imagination in a fun way. The Gronstedt Group developed the...