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Second Lives for “Second Life” metaverses

While perhaps distracted by attempting to understand the implications of rapid AI advances, such as ChatBots and similar awe-inspiring AI innovations, there’s other ongoing areas to stay abreast of. For example, Apple and Meta(Facebook) are investing a ton in...

The Strange Case of Jaron Lanier

In our current time of disruption, innovation, and new perspectives and approaches, perhaps it’s fitting to “touch base” with a visionary on the edge, such as Jaron Lanier. Mr. Lanier has some New Mexican roots, attended NMSU, founded a very early VR...

VR meeting rooms

In the world of WFH, Spatial is a virtual reality workspace start up that offers a free version for users, only a web browser is needed,  and no headset is required.  Until social distancing winds down, the opportunities for testing out the best and latest seems...