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  • nmkris on 12 Oct 12
    Mentira, a project launched in July 2009, is the first mobile, place-based, augmented reality game explicitly oriented towards the development of language skills in Spanish. It is set in a Spanish-speaking neighborhood in Albuquerque, NM and plays out much like a historical novel in which fact and fiction combine to set the context and social conditions for meaningful interaction (in Spanish) with simulated characters, other players, and local citizens.
  • nmkris on 12 Oct 12
    More free stuff in our own backyard. Do we have a contact at UNM? The ARIS platform is also opensource.
  • John Griffith on 13 Oct 12
    As it happens, there is something based out of UNM called MISP. New Mexico Media Industries Strategy Project, connected with the ARTS Lab at UNM under the former direction of Eric Renz-Whitmore. Which has its own listserv, to which I subscribe. Gary is familiar with this group, having been involved in a statewide multimedia organizing effort with HTC for a number of years involving UNM, NMSU, DACC, NMTech and other institutions supporting media arts and industry in NM. I have almost 3000 MISP messages accumulated in my email inbox from them…which is second only to Christina Little for posting fecundity.

    Eric is also involved with the New Mexico Technology Council as ED, having moved on from UNM ARTS lab…..We have probably heard about NMTC at TIE conferences, and perhaps through Jamai Bliven’s Innovate/ Educate…or perhaps connected with broadband infrastructure…or all of the above and more.

    I don’t see immediately if there’s connections with the Mentira folks, but one would think such connections exist somehow. Eric seems to know everyone in media arts in NM. His linked in page here:

    Excellent link Kris.

  • John Griffith on 13 Oct 12 – Edit – Delete
    Oh, and BTW… IIRC, Gary and Eric have to some extent collaborated on some “Lean Startup” group activities…
    Perhaps two of the most passionate in the state about lean startup…
  • gary575 on 14 Oct 12
    I would try the game, but it does not run on my Android phones nor my iPad ??) – a pretty serious limitation of the ARIS platfrom. It is one thing to develop an App limited to iPhone but investing in a Platform that is so limited seems problematic.