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As we work towards having our Minjet setup fully working…we may wish to use that functionality to help develop some of our core concepts.

For example, “MOTIVATION” is such an important part of learning, and of making it through a “DLE”… that it could, all by itself, make the difference between a successful online course/ training/ DLE and one that is a el floppo.

But as we know, MOTIVATION is different for different folks in different situations at different times, and consists of “list of contributing ingredients” more than just one driving force.

To fill out the details of the various factors we should know about and address with MOTIVATION, it might be good to do a little crowd sourcing or collaboration…to accumulate various motivation components that various people might be aware of…whether from their personal learning experience, the education or professional training, or their psychological insight.

We might be able to give “our contributors” a skeleton or framework with a Mindjet that they could add their ornament to…until we have a fully decorated tree, if you will.

Not sure how to proceed exactly, but we would probably first create the framework, and then invite others to add their pieces to it, incrementally over some period of time…