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Compilation of Blooms Taxonomy Resources

GuildResearch on Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy

Revised Bloom Handouts

Three pdfs found online that contain a lot of good graphics on Bloom’s Taxonomy ideas, including some revisions for today’s digital landscape for learning. As well as explanatory text… IIRC Kris posted some Bloom links in 2012…hopefully these are not duplicates. The Guild thing is very recent.

(Admin Note: Since these are pdfs, some of the images, if used as a single page, may work well zoomed in for a prezi document. Using something like Adobe Acrobat it is possible to extract the individual pages as separate files… which are pdf files themselves, and thus a good bet to insert into a prezi. I have done this, and could do for someone else too.

While it is possible to find some beautiful Bloom’s graphics online, often it is hard to find the original of the original… which are the one’s more likely to be high quality and zoomable. (PDF a good file format for images in Prezi))