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Speed slowdowns are hard to pin down where in the entire process the bottleneck is coming from, as we know.

I get some weird things happening that I tend to blame Comcast for…but can’t pin down. Sometimes I can fix it by a reboot, which implies some temporary corruption either in my browser or the Mac OS.

Sometimes I have cause to worry the site itself is slow for some unknown reason. It’s a shared hosting situation, so it could vary depending on other users traffic…or maybe we’ve got a WP plugin bug…or as you know, a slew of possibilities. Some of which possibly could need fixing, if they can be “isolated” as source of the problem.

We have close to 30 active plugins at our WP site. They are constantly being updated. Ya never know, sometimes a bug is thus introduced, then fixed in the next update. Or not, and I have to track it down and de activate it.

Right now about 4pm 4/11/2013, PSA site and internal links seemed to load fairly quickly.

If it persists, I can check on our “SiteBlock” security software…see if they report anything nasty has been “added”.

Let me know if it seems to “stay slow”… or possibly keep track if it’s a persistent fast/slow stop/go traffic like LA 405…

Thanks for the trouble report…this info is crucial to maintaining our site in good working order.
