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I signed up to use the Boundless “digital textbooks” site to see what they have. Looks like over 20 “course” texts in the browse section, but I could have entered by my particular course that I was taking at NMSU and might have had access to more “course texts”.

Didn’t have to prove I was a NMSU student…and I don’t know how different the “text” would be if I say signed up as a UNM student, or Stanford student.

Here’s the link to “join” the “Marketing” class with me…which AFAIK, just means access to the text, study aids, some quizzes… I haven’t actually “done” the course as yet, but even looking at the syllabus has some interest. Creating my “own” study guide which can be sort of collaborative learning could be good.

How far can you go with something like this without a teacher or facilitator…is one question. Another thought is how easily something like this can blend or bleed into a generalized social context, where one could be doing some learning, and doing some socializing at the same time, and not necessarily “attending” at any particular educational establishment. Which is one possible future of learning technology.