These are competencies for performing life roles from the book Adult Learner: a Neglected Species by Malcom Knowles, the grandfather of adult education, published in 1972. Sorry…did a bad job scanning this.
According to Knowles, these roles require a different set of skills, attitudes, and values from those of traditional classroom teachers, and so a process of retraining of teachers would be required to put the system into operation. Resource people would function like teachers since they would be content specialists. But they would be working with proactive rather than reactive learners, so their content resources would be used differently from those of traditional teachers.
What would a model of a life long learning resource system look like today?
It certainly seems like the required competencies for “Workers” today have changed. Knowles list seems to fit the Industrial Age, not the evolving post-Information connected universe.
Even the basic categorizations may want to be adjusted – a lot has changed in 40 years.
Agreed Gary. Competency models should adapt to the changes for performance in life situations. Sharing a toy may still be a competency for performing the role of a “friend” for a five year old. Sharing appropriate data on the internet is a more recent complex competency.
The competency model for a “teacher” today may include helping a learner plan a DLE to share data on the internet.